
Logging & Marketing Services

Cascade Timber Consulting, Inc., represents the land and timber owner in the market place. Our Timber and Log Marketing and Merchandizing program is built on over 30 years of experience.

We utilize a multitude of varying manufacturing and log purchasing organizations including sawmills, veneer and plywood operations, pole and piling yards, hardwood lumber manufactures, makers of engineered wood products, chip producers and exporters of logs to foreign countries. It is our job to meet the timber owner's objectives by removing and marketing logs to the best final destination. We sell logs to reputable and accountable companies who pay their bills. We hire qualified operators who will best fit the objectives, requests, requirements and restrictions of individual owners and timber stands.

It is our operator's priority to maintain high quality log sorts and environmentally sound logging practices over production. Our Timber Sale and Administrative Staff regularly attend training sessions and are members of varying professional organizations including; Linn Forest Protective Association, Oregon Logging Conference, Columbia River Log Scaling & Grading Bureau and Northwest Log Rules Advisory Group.

Logging & Marketing

Logging & Marketing

  • Timber & Log Sales Management Planning
    • - Sale Type and Boundary Identification, based upon Landowners objectives

      * Thinning and Partial Cut or Final Harvest Clearcutting

      - Site Preparation and Logging Slash Management

      * Slash Hazard and Reduction Assessments

      * Registration of Acres, Smoke Management

      * Fire Management, including Piling and Burning

      * Operational Fire Protection

      - Oregon Forest Practices Act
      * Notification of Operations

      * Written Plans and Plan Implementation

      * Sensitive Resource Site Identification and Protection

  • Streams and Domestic Water Sources
  • Aquatic and Riparian Management Areas
  • Threatened and Endangered Species

  • Qualified Logging Contractors
    • - Oregon Professional Loggers Certification
      - Skyline Cable, Shovel, Tractor and Cut-To-Length Mechanized Harvesting Systems
      - Competitive Rates
      - Insured, Loggers Liability and Workers Compensation

  • Log Marketing & Merchandising
    • - Match Logs to Best and Highest Market
      - Provide the Landowner with Premium Returns on their Investment
      - Log Payment Guarantee Program

  • Sale Administration
    • - Experienced and Qualified Sale Administrators provide On Site Supervision and Assistance
      - State Registered Log Brands
      - Ticket Books, Log and Load Tracking System
      - Third Party Log Scaling and Grading
      - Log Accounting, Billing and Payments
      - Harvest Taxes
      - Change of Land Use Assistance